Saturday, February 28, 2009

Journey Into the World of Blogging

I love analyzing financial markets. Let me introduce you to myself and my entry into the world of blogging on financial markets.

I began my journey into the world of stock markets when I was in college about 10 years back. I used to buy stocks and try and figure out why markets went up and down.

I then joined an online club of investors. We often used to exchange notes on markets and stocks. Soon, we started meeting every month on the last Sunday at Matunga Gymkhana. I make presentations at every meet which I plan to post out here.

My friends and colleagues used to ask me for stock advice every time. 2 years ago I formed a google group using which I used to apprise them of the markets. I have met many great investors over the net. The Internet is a wonderful invention. It bridges distances and makes you meet people whom one would never have met otherwise.

Taking this forward, my friend Shubhankar who is an avid blogger has advised me yo join the world of blogging. By doing this I can reach out not only to my colleagues but to other investors around the World.

Come lets embark together on a journey of learning.